The Tuzo ya Uenenzi wa Kiswahili (The Promotion of Swahili Award) “For being a major advocate of Pan Africanism throughout the world and being among those who gave the Swahili language great respect and status internationally” Chama cha Ukuzaji wa Kiswahili Duniani (Global Association for the Promotion of Swahili), Howard University, October 1, 2022
The Kwanzaa Awards, A Lifetime Achievement Award | For Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Intellectual Creativity Especially Kwanzaa and the Nguzo Saba, Kinara Park Kids, Inc., Seattle, Washington, 2021
The 2020 Renaissance Award “For making a profound difference in the lives of people of African descent worldwide”, The Afroglobal Excellence Awards Gala, Toronto, Canada, November 3, 2020
Presidential Award for Exemplary Service and Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Black Studies, National Council for Black Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9, 2019
Certificate of Recognition by the California State Senate, Black History Month Commendation, San Bernardino Valley College, California, February 27, 2019
Presidential Award for Exemplary Service and Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Black Studies, National Council for Black Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9, 2019
California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition for Scholarship and the Creation of Kwanzaa, San Bernardino Valley College, February 27, 2019
The President’s Award for Leadership, Service and Creation of Kwanzaa, Southern California Southern Christian Leadership Conference, April 16, 2017
The Emé Visionary Award for Scholarship, Leadership and Community Engagement, USC Black Alumni Association, University of Southern California, March 10, 2016
The Nguzo Saba Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Leadership and Scholarship at the Nguzo Saba 2015 Conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Nguzo Saba, The Organization Us and the African American Cultural Center, Los Angeles, September 27, 2015
The Journal of Pan African Studies Scholar Activist Legacy of Excellence Award, Journal of Pan African Studies, Los Angeles, March 14, 2015
The Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz) Award for Ethical and Intellectual Leadership in the Struggle for Racial and Social Justice, Black Community, Clergy and Labor Alliance, 2014
The Voices of the People’s Award, AFRAM Western Region Caucus, Service Employees International Union, 2014
The President’s Award for Keynote Speaker at Black History Month, Florida A & M University, 2013
The Torch Award for Lifetime Achievement, National Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation, March 14, 2013
Award for Exceptional Leadership, Vision, Outstanding Scholarly Contributions to Pan-African Studies and Dedicated Life-long Service to the Community, The Department of Pan-African Studies, California State University, Northridge, February 18, 2013
Grant Recipient, Development of Curriculum and Film, for a Rites of Passage Programme, California Endowment, Los Angeles, 2012
Crystal Eagle Award for Outstanding Service, Los Angeles County African American Employees Association, February 23, 2012Commendation for “Commitment and Vision”, Assessor, County of Los Angeles, February 23, 2012“Commendation for Personal and Professional Accomplishments”, Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County, February 23, 2012Lifetime Achievement Medal of Honor for 2011, In the Meantime, Los Angeles, December 4, 2011Marcus Garvey Award 2010 for Activism, Scholarship and Being “a Pillar of Black Liberation, Black Power Conferences and Founder of the Kwanzaa Holiday”, The International Symposium on Black Power Studies, Sarah Lawrence College, February 18, 2010
The Legacy Award for Milestone Contributions in Scholarship, Activism and Creativity, Institute of the Black World, 21st Century, 2010
Award for Excellence in Scholarship—Best Activist-Scholar Publication, for Kawaida and Questions of Life and Struggle, Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press, 21st Annual Cheikh Anta Diop Conference, Diopian Institute for Scholarly Advancement, Philadelphia, October 9-10, 2009
African Universal Cultural Award for Leadership, Cultural Creation and Community Building, Ujamaa Shule, Washington, D.C., Howard University on May 4, 2009
For An Outstanding Contribution, National Association of Black Social Workers, NABSW Award, 32nd Annual Conference, 2009
Institute of the Black World 21st Century Legacy Award for “Milestone Contributions as a Brilliant Scholar/Activist, Master Teacher and Innovator of Kawaida, the Nguzo Saba and Kwanzaa”, 2008
Proclamation of Dr. Maulana Karenga Day, City of Buffalo; Executive Chamber, City of Buffalo, Mayor Byron Brown Citation for Creation of Kwanzaa and Other Intellectual and Leadership Achievements, 2008
Awards and Citations for the Creation of Kwanzaa, Intellectual Achievements and Service from the Mayor and City of Newark, Essex County, State Assembly of New Jersey and the Representative of the 10th Congressional District, Hon. Donald M. Payne, 2008
Congratulatory Citation for Academic Achievement, the Creation of Kwanzaa, Social Advocacy and Service from the Pennsylvania General Assembly sponsored by Rep. Curtis Thomas, 181st Legislative District, Philadelphia, December 29, 2007
Award of Gratitude for Kwanzaa Presentation, Cypress Community College, Cypress, December 10, 2007
Special Tribute Award for Scholarship, Leadership and Service, Michigan House of Representatives, sponsored by State Representative George Cushingberry, Jr., November 7, 2007
“Certificate for Scholarly Achievement” at “Retrospective on the Achievements of Molefi Kete Asante at 65: An Invitational Seminar,” ANKH Institute, Philadelphia, September 15, 2007
Joint Award on 40th Anniversary of Kwanzaa to Dr. Maulana Karenga and Tiamoyo Karenga, African Poetry Theatre, New York, December 29, 2006
Proclamation from Mayor of Los Angeles, 40th Anniversary of Kwanzaa, December 26, 2006
Proclamation from the Los Angeles City Council, 40th Anniversary of Kwanzaa, December 26, 2006
Proclamation from the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, 40th Anniversary of Kwanzaa, December 26, 2006
Proclamation from the California State Assembly, 40th Anniversary of Kwanzaa, December 26, 2006
The Jamel C. Holley Civic Association Resolution, Borough of Roselle, County of Union, State of New Jersey in Honor for Outstanding Role in the Community, 2005
Resolution by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders in Honor of Achievements and Outstanding Contributions to the Community, 2005
Joint Legislative Resolution in Honor of Meritorious Record of Activism and Scholarship in Benefit of the Global Community, State of New Jersey, The Senate and General Assembly, Trenton, NJ, 2005
Resolution of Commendation, for the Contributions made toward recognizing, promoting Black political and intellectual culture and the life and struggles of African peoples, Township of Irvington, Municipal Council, New Jersey, 2005
Resolution Commending the Work of Celebrating the History and Culture of Africa and the African Diaspora and for his creation of the holiday Kwanzaa, County of Essex, NJ, Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, 2005
The Nguzo Saba Philosophical Award, Molefi Kete Asante and Haki Madhubuti, Los Angeles, California, 2005
Induction into the African People’s Intellectual Royal Family, The Institute for the Advanced Study of Black Family Life & Culture, Inc., 2005
The Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Book—Maat, The Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt, 16th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop Conference, Ankh Scientific Institute, 2004
Paul Robeson-Zora Neale Hurston Award for Scholarly Work Significantly Contributive to the Understanding, Development and Appreciation of African World Culture, National Council for Black Studies, 2003
The C.L.R. James Award for Outstanding Publication of Scholarly Works that Advance the Discipline of Africana and Black Studies, The National Council for Black Studies, 2002
The President’s Award for Scholarship and Service in the Development of Black Studies, The African Heritage Studies Association, 1999
Distinguished Visiting Scholar Chair and Award, Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI, 1998
Peace Education Award for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Education in Building Bridges Among Africans throughout the World, California State University-Sacramento, College of Health and Human Services, Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2004
Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Scholarship, African American Studies Department, Temple University, October 13, 1996
Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Scholarship, African American Studies Department, Temple University, October 13, 1996
Award for Service–2nd Annual Conference on the African American Male, University of Alabama, Huntsville, October 5, 1996
Commendation for Outstanding Professional Achievements, House of Representatives, State of Alabama, Montgomery, AL, October 1, 1996
Ankh Award for Scholarship and Community Service, International African Arts Festival, New York, July 5, 1996
Award for Service, Black Graduate Student Organization, The Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA, May 25, 1996
Leadership Award, Million Man March/Day of Absence, Local Organizing Committee, Pontiac, MI, February 17, 1996
Black Man Think Tank Award for Leadership, Black Man Think Tank, University of Cincinnati, January 12, 1996
Award for Activist Scholarship, Xavier University, New Orleans, LA, November 30, 1995
Detroit City Council Testimonial Resolution for dedication to the education and empowerment of African Americans, Detroit, MI, January 28, 1995
Black Man Think Tank Award for Leadership, Black Man Think Tank, University of Cincinnati, January 14, 1995
Resolution in recognition of the creation of Kwanzaa, Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Newark, NJ, December 22, 1994
Mayoral Proclamation of Dr. Maulana Karenga Day “in recognition of his endeavors and many accomplishments effecting social change,” Mayor Nancy Graham, City of West Palm Beach, FL, February 4, 1994
Award of Merit in recognition of lifelong commitment and leadership, National African American Student Leadership Conference, San Diego, CA, October 23, 1993
Certificate of Appreciation for Promoting Synergy within the Columbus Community, Black Employees Support System AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus, OH, February, 1993
Award in recognition of contributions to students, Grand Valley State University, Grand Valley, MI, January 19, 1993
National Leadership Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievements in Black Studies, National Council for Black Studies, March 23, 1991
Resolution in recognition of Scholarship and Leadership in Community and Culture, Los Angeles City Council, January, 1990
Citation for Scholarship, Leadership and Creation and Preservation and Promotion of African American Culture, City Council of Philadelphia, December 1989
Award for “Unique Scholarly Contributions and Pioneering Efforts in African American Studies and Specific Acknowledgement of Your Gift of Kwanzaa to the World,” African American Studies Department, Montclair State College, Montclair, December, 1989
Award for “Distinguished Scholarship and Leadership in African American Studies, Department of African American Studies, Temple University, October, 1989
Black History Committee Miriam Matthews Award for Outstanding Community Service in the Preservation of Black Culture, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1988.
Commendation for Outstanding Community Service, Los Angeles, Black Agenda, Inc., 1988
Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Exemplary Leadership, The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations, Aswan, Egypt, 1987
Award for Outstanding Leadership, National Black United Front, Chicago Chapter, Chicago, 1987
Certificate of Appreciation, Central State University, 1987
20th Anniversary Award for the Creation of Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa Co-operative, Philadelphia, 1986
Distinguished Visiting Professor Award – Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, 1985
Award for Outstanding Intellectual Leadership, The Kemetic Institute, Chicago, 1985
Award for Distinguished Contribution to Black Social Thought, Black Studies Conference Committee, Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, 1985
Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service and Contribution to Black History Month Celebration, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles, 1985
Award for Leadership and Scholarship, Institute of Positive Education, Chicago, 1985
Award for Outstanding Service, Distinguished Leadership and Dedicated Enthusiasm to the Community in the Field of Culture, West Coast Region, NAACP, Los Angeles, 1985
Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to the Twenty-Third Olympiad, City of Los Angeles, August, 1984
Award for Commitment to Education and African People, Ujamaa School, Washington, D.C., July-1983
Award for Sustained Commitment to the Black Student Union, BSU, CSU, Long Beach, 1982-1983
Association of Social and Behavioral Scientists Award for writing one of the most significant works on Blacks in 1982 – for my book Introduction to Black Studies, March-1983.
Newark Municipal Council Commendation for “Remarkable Contributions to Black Scholarship and Community Development,” February-1983
Commendation for Scholarship and Contribution to the Afro-American Community and Scholarship, Legislature of Erie County, State of New York, February-1982
Commendation for Scholarship, Activism and Community Service, Common Council, City of Buffalo, New York, February-1982
Award for Dedication and Sacrifice in the Liberation and Uplifting of African Americans, Kawaida Study Group, Buffalo, New York, February-1982
Award for Selfless Devotion to the Black Struggle, The Black American Law Students Association, Buffalo, New York, February-1982
Award for Scholarship and Activism, Afro-American Students Organization, Buffalo State University College, Buffalo, February, 1982
Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Afro-American Community, Neighborhood Inner City Youth Organization, Inc., Buffalo, February-1982
Commendation for Scholarship, Creation of Kwanzaa, Notable Achievements and Service to the Community, Council of the City of Los Angeles, January-1982
The Lincoln University of Missouri Media Award for Political Writings, Jefferson City, Missouri, April-1981
Award for Institution Building and Community Service, Los Angeles City Council, Eighth District, March-1981
Certificate of Appreciation for Contribution to Black History Celebration, Southwest Special Aids District #08, DPSS, Los Angeles, February-1981
Award for Leadership and Dedication in the African Liberation Struggle, Shule ya Watoto, Chicago, February, 1981
Elizabeth Catlett Mora Award for Excellence for Contributions to the Development and Advancement of Black Arts and Artists, National Conference of Artists, Detroit, May, 1979
Certificate of Merit in Recognition and Appreciation for Creative Contributions, Kuumba Actors, Saginaw, MI, March-1979
Certificate of Election to the Honor Roll of Friends of the NCCJ in recognition of value and contribution to its work. National Conference of Christians and Jews, San Diego, October-1978
Certificate of Recognition for Exemplary Representation as Chairman of the USA delegation to the Colloquium on Black Civilization and Education at the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture, Lagos, Nigeria; the United States Zonal Committee, Washington, D.C., April-1977
Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Human Service to the Black Community; the Council of Black Nurses, Inc., Los Angeles, June-1977
The Afro-American Studies Majors/Minors Association Award for deep commitment and dedicated community service; San Diego State University, San Diego, February-1977
Black Student Council Award for dedication and service to the Council and Community, San Diego State University, San Diego, February-1976
Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation from Black Student Psychological Association for services and leadership in the Black communities of the Western Region, San Francisco, November, 1975
EROS Award Certificate of Merit for Black Involvement, Merritt College, Oakland, 1969
Marcus Garvey Award for Leadership, Los Angeles Black Congress, 1968
Honorable Mention in the First Annual W.E.B. DuBois Essay Awards, The Black Scholar, Sausalito, CA, 1975
Humanist of the Year Award, Humanist Chapter, San Luis Obispo, 1975
Watts Summer Festival, Inc. Award in Appreciation and Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to the Cultural Arts Program, Watts, 1971