Board Member, International African Arts Festival 50th Anniversary Honorary Board, New York, October 15, 2020
Inaugural Lecture, Inaugural Masizi Kunene Lecture Series, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, November 26, 2019
Induction, Wall of Black Achievers, International Slavery Museum, Slavery Remembrance Day, Liverpool, England, August 22, 2011
Induction, The Hall of Resistance at the Ancient African, Enslavement and Civil Rights Museum, Selma, Alabama, March 4-5, 2011
Lecturer, Annual Stephen Glanville Memorial Lecture for Egyptology 2010 at the Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge, “The Maatian Ideal of Social Justice in Ancient Egypt: A Classical African Conception” October 9, 2010
Official Guest of the President of Senegal for the 50th Anniversary of Independence and the Unveiling of the African Renaissance Monument (as well as an invited participant in the Colloquium on African Renaissance, Dakar, Senegal, April 3-4, 2010)
Member, United States Delegation, Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Senegal’s Independence and Unveiling of the African Renaissance Monument, April 3-4, 2010
Selection as a “Living Legend” selection for accomplishments as “a world-renowned scholar, author, professor, master teacher, leader and creator of Kwanzaa” and featured with a length biography in the section titled “Los Angeles Sentinel’s Legends”, Los Angeles Sentinel, October 27, 2007, p. A-13
Recipient of a Resolution of Commendation during Black History Month by the California Legislative Black Caucus for his “historical contributions as a cultural activist and scholar and for his contributions to the people of California and beyond,” Sacramento, February 20, 2007
Honorary Doctorate of Humanities for Intellectual and Practical Work in the Interest of African Peoples, University of Durban, Westville, South Africa, 1998
Commencement Address, University of Durban, Westville, South Africa, 1998.
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI, 1998
Inaugural lecture, “The Challenge and Motion of Black History,” The Inauguration of Black History Month in England, The London Strategic Policy Committee, London, October-1987
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Nebraska, Black Studies, 1980
Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Seminar on Black Politics of the Sixties, 1977
Selection to present my paper, “The African Intellectual and the Concept of Class Suicide: Cultural and Political Dimensions,” at Fanon Research and Development Center’s International Conference on Human Development Models and Action: Praxis and History, Mogadishu, Somalia, Africa, June-1979.
Selection to present my paper, “Cabral, Fanon and Toure: Toward an African Theory of Cultural Revolution,” Fanon Research and Development Center’s International Conference on the Theory and Praxis of the Social Scientist in the Context of Human Development: Developing People and Institutions for Creative Struggle,” Trinidad, West Indies, February-1978
Spokesman for the Independent Black Schools Education Tour in the Peoples Republic of China, July-1977
Chairman of the USA delegation to the Colloquium on Black Civilization and Education at the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture, Lagos, Nigeria, 15 January – 12 February-1977
Selection as one of ten American scholars to participate in a dialogue and conference with ten Bulgarian scholars as a part of a program of International Cultural Exchange; American Society for the Philosophical Study of Marxism, affiliate of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego-1976
B.A. Cum Laude, Political Science, UCLA, 1963
Inclusion in Men of Achievement, Cambridge, England: International Biographical Centre, 1977
Inclusion in Who’s Who Among Black Americans, 1976, Northfield, Il: Who’s Who Among Black Americans Publishing Co., 1976
Inclusion in Dictionary of Black Culture, Wade Baskin et al, New York: Philosophical Library, 1973
Inclusion in Profiles in Black Power, James Haskins, Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1972
Honorary Member of Co-ordinating Committee for Congressional Representation, New York, 1968
Member, Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, UCLA, 1963
NDEA Fellow, Swahili, UCLA, 1963-1964
First Black Student Body President and Vice-President, Los Angeles City College, 1961 and Fall, 1960 respectively